
Ant migration tool installation
Ant migration tool installation

Inorder to use ANT Tool, Make sure that you have Installed JAVA (JKD 1.7 or Latest Version ) and Configured JAVAHOME in Environment Variables. This tool is also available on Debian and Ubuntu systems by installing the tomcat-jakartaee-migration package and invoking the javax2jakarta command. While the Migration Tool is doing a data import into ISPConfig by using the ISPConfig remote API, ISPCopy is using the approach to copy the ISPConfig.

ant migration tool installation

Migrate photos, audio, video, files, PDF, etc from OneDrive. Apache ANT Migration Tool Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool that help building software. The developer builds the packages and organizes them into a single folder which is then utilized using the ANT Migration tool.

ant migration tool installation ant migration tool installation

#Ant migration tool installation how to

How to migrate data from OneDrive to OneDrive for business? - SysTools OneDrive for Business to OneDrive for Business migration tool is the best way to transfer files & document between OneDrive. So I installed ANT in my machine today and trying to play around with it. Salesforce Ant Migration tool is a command-line tool that allows users to utilize sets of metadata changes from one platform to another by creating code packages manually.

Ant migration tool installation